My Instant-Buy Authors

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the blog! Today, I want to talk about authors whose books I will instantly buy right away no matter what it is about. We all have our favorites, and I feel like as of recently I have added more instant buy authors to my list. So, let’s get into it!
On my list previously, I always had Katie McGarry and Sarah J. Maas. I feel like I don’t really need to explain those especially Sarah J. Maas.
Recently, I have added Rachel Lynn Solomon who is the author of The Ex Talk and Weather Girl. I’ve been really loving her books lately, and she’s quickly become an author whose writing I love. If you haven’t read either of those books, I highly recommend both. They are both feel-good romance books, but the great thing about Solomon’s books is that she always talks about bigger issues like mental health or misogyny in the workplace which I feel like is really important to have those bigger topics.
Another author whose books I quickly fell in love with is Emily Henry. Now, I have read one of her books (People We Meet on Vacation) a while ago and I loved it. Recently, I read Book Lovers which I absolutely adored. I cannot recommend both of those books enough. They were so good. I know she has other books out there; I haven’t gotten around to those but I want to. Everything she writes is just amazing, and I highly recommend checking out her books.
Alright folks, that is all I have for this week! Come back next Wednesday for another blog post! As always, thank you for reading :)