Little Secrets Book Review

Hello everyone and welcome back to Cover to Cover! Today I am back with another book review. I was really pumped for this book because this author has quickly become a favorite of mine. This is the third book I have read by Jennifer Hillier, and every single one has been absolutely amazing. So, let's get into it!
For some background this book is about married couple Marin and Derrick and their four-year old son, Sebastian. One say Marin and Sebastian were at a really busy mall shopping for Christmas gifts when Sebastian is kidnapped. Both parents struggle with the loss as they have little evidence to go off of. Derrick blames Marin as she was the one that was last with him and supposed to look after him. Marin hires a private investigator to find any information on her son, but instead she finds out that her husband is having an affair. And she is not willing to lose the last of her family.
The twist and turns in this book were so crazy. I loved every second of it and couldn't put the book down. Like I said, this was my third book by this author and all of them have been great. This was no exception.
I just love the well thought out plots of her books. Every little detail feels like it has so much thought put into it, and nothing ever feels rushed. Nothing is worse than getting so into a book and then the ending falls short. Every character was untrustworthy no matter what they said or did.
I also really love the characters she creates. They are all questionable and you can't trust what anyone says and at the end of each chapter you just end up having more questions than before.
Also the writing is never cringey. I feel as of lately the writing in some of the books I've been picking up as been subpar and just not that good. But Hillier just never disappoints.
Overall, I would give this book 5/5 stars, and I would highly recommend. This and any of her books really!
Alright folks, that is all I have for this week! Come back next Wednesday for another blog post! As always thank you for reading:)