Late Night Love Book Review

Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog. Today I am back with another book review. I don’t know what it is about books set around SNL type workplaces, but I really need to stop reading them. I have not been able to find one that I like. Let’s get into it!
My intro may have been a little harsh, but I stand by what I said. This is the second time I’ve read a book involving late night writers for a SNL type show with skits and jokes about current events, etc. Granted this is better than the other one I read; however, I didn’t feel a lot of chemistry between the main characters, Emily and Chris.
Within the first 20-30 pages, I couldn’t even tell who the love interest was because everyone hated each other so much. And with this being a 290-ish page book, I was worried about the pacing. I didn’t want the “enemies to lovers” to feel rushed. While I don’t think it necessarily was, I think the characters were ultimately not right for each other.
Emily was really unlikeable. She came off as a know it all, and it was her way or the highway. Chris was unwilling to compromise and honestly the fact that he even liked Emily at all was really surprising.
I didn’t care for the skits or the jokes. To be honest, I started to skim past them because I really didn’t care. The spice was alright. I’m surprised there even was any, but it was really glossed over. I felt like when Chris and Emily argued it lasted forever. The dialogue just kept droning on and on, but then they would forgive each other so fast. It didn’t make sense to me. I didn’t like how they communicated.
Overall, I found the book to have really unlikeable characters and felt no chemistry between the couple. My rating is 2/5 stars.
Alright folks, that is all I have for this week! Come back next Wednesday for another blog post. As always thank you for reading :)