House of Hollow Book Review

Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! Today, I am back with another book review! This one is completely different from what I normally read, so let's get into it!
House of Hollow follows the Hollow sisters, Iris, Vivi, and Grey. When they were little they disappeared for a month. There was no trace of them, but then one day out of the blue they are found wondering the streets of Edinburgh. They can't remeber where they went, who they were with, or what happened to them. But something seems off with the Hollow sisters. Their hair turns white, their eyes turn black. No one can explain it. Years, later Grey, the eldest sister, goes missing. Iris and Vivi are afraid the same thing happened again from when they were kids. There is a darkness that follows them, something trying to drag them back to the place they disappeared to.
I have to say this book was everything I was expecting and not expecting at the same time. It was good; the ending really had me holding onto the book. The first 50-60 pages were a little too slow for me, but past that point all I wanted to know was what happened to the sisters. I wanted to know where they went, who was chasing them, what secrets Grey Hollow was keeping, etc.
House of Hollow is categorzied as paranormal fiction and young adult fantasy. I could tell this was a young adult book, but I still found it really interesting. It's a stand alone book as well.
I really liked the Hollow sisters. They all had such distinct personalities and were written so well. They complimented each other nicely.
And the mystery element was really nicely done. Grey Hollow goes missing which is what sets everything into motion, and it felt like a classic thriller. Where is the missing girl, who took her, is she still alive?
Overall, I thought the book was very captivating, the premise was good and well done, the characters were likable, and the chapters were short. I would recommend this book for a quick read!
3/5 stars!
Alright folks, that is all I have for this week! Come back next Wednesday for another blog post! As always thank you for reading:)