Gift Guide for all your Book Loving Friends

Welcome back to Cover to Cover! Now I know what you may think based on the title of this post, but I wanted people to start thinking about gifts now considering this “post-covid” era and with the unpredictable mail situation we are in right now. It’s best to start early. I have started buying Christmas gifts for everyone, and I am hoping to be done soon. I do not like waiting until the last minute, it gives me way too much anxiety. So, if you know someone who loves to read, likes to read, or just need some ideas for yourself keep reading!
I did a post like this last year which is still up on my blog if you want to check it out for even more ideas! Here is the link to that post:
1. Collectors Edition of their favorite book
I know a lot of book lovers love having different editions of their favorite book. They look at more like collecting than just buying something they already have. I’ve seen a lot of publishing companies release not just special editions but collectors’ editions as well. I know A Court of Thorns and Roses has many different hardback editions out there. This other series, Children of Blood and Bone have different editions based on the different powers the characters could have. I thought that was cool the first time I saw it in Barnes and Noble.
2. Crewnecks
Personally, I love sweatshirts and all things comfy. There are so so so so SO many cute designs on Etsy. Pus, it’s always good to shop small for things like this. I know sometimes as well embroidered crewnecks can take longer to make and ship, so its best to order as early as possible. I recommend checking out All Embroidered, Bibliostylesco, and Blossom & Book on Instagram.
3. Bookmarks (of course)
I love bookmarks, and I probably have way too many, but I don’t care. It’s always so nice to have a wide selection, as well as different types. There are regular straight paper bookmarks, magnetic bookmarks, corner bookmarks, etc. Again, if you want to shop small this year, I have some Etsy stores to check out that I have purchased from totally love the products. Plus, you can always grab a book you think they would like, a book from their TBR list and pair it accordingly. The Etsy shops I recommend are: alliterates, ApolloFluff, and NatalieKayDesign.
4. Tote bags
This goes along the same line as crewnecks. If you want a more affordable option, I suggest doing something like this. Most don’t have to be embroidered so shipping times might be a little faster than a crewneck. Again, there are so many options on Etsy. I don’t have any specific shops in mind, but if you just search “bookish tote bags” more than enough choices will come up. Just look out for where the shop is located and how long shipping will take!
Well, that’s all I have for today folks! Christmas will be here before we know it, and it’s better to start thinking of what to get your friends now than to wait especially if you’re looking to shop online! As always, thank you for reading and come back next week!