End of Summer Wrap-up

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the blog! It is the last day of August which means summer is officially over. Well, I’m at least done acknowledging that summer is still a thing. Usually, I read a lot throughout the summer since school is out and I actually have time. But summer has recently become irrelevant and lost all meaning since I’m now an adult and am no longer in school. However, this summer I actually didn’t read that much.

I haven't been burning through books as normal. Last summer, I think I read 12 which isn’t that bad. The summer before I read 17! This summer I only read seven!! What the heck! That’s terrible. I really have no idea what happened; I thought I read so much more. But I just looked at my list and realized how small it really was. I already wrote separate blog posts about all of these books, so I don’t think there’s a need to go in-depth about the book or even rate them, but I will link the other posts below in case you want to check them out.

I am someone who hates being in a reading slump. I hate when I don’t read a lot or even when it takes me a long time to finish a book. Like I said before, summer is usually the time that I crush through books, so I am really disappointed about the number of books I read. This summer everything just kind of changed for me. I’m not in school anymore; I graduated college about nine months ago. And honestly, not being in school for the first time in like 12+ years is SO WEIRD.

I have to be an adult (booooo) which means that I have a real job. Three month summer vacation is not a thing anymore. And that directly affects my reading because now I have even less time to pick up a book. Granted, I did have a summer job every year since high school, but you know how that goes. It’s laidback, it doesn’t mean a lot, you know you’re going to end up leaving eventually. It doesn’t hold the same value as a real job, especially in a field you’ve spent the last four years studying. This is the big leagues now. Everything is different.

BUT, I still try to read when I can. I think the important thing is that I am still reading and that I still find it fun. I’m hoping some fall books will help me pick up the pace. I was just at Barnes and Nobles over the weekend, and they already have a horror table for Halloween/fall. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am. All the books on the table sounded SO good; I just want to read all of them.

Side note: all the hardbacks on the table (at least in my store) were $28!!! When did hardbacks become SO expensive! BOTM baby, BOTM.

However, I’m still on track for my yearly goal which is good. I always like giving myself a goal of how many books to read for the year. Which is kind of where these two points connect. While I can’t binge read during the summer as much, I can still read all year round. As long as I hit my yearly goal, I really shouldn’t be too upset about the (unofficial) summer goal anymore.

Since I did write blog posts about most of these books already, I thought it would still be cool to rank them among each other! One being this was the best summer book ever you have to read it and 7 being still good but read the others first.

  1. The People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry
  2. Meet you in the Middle by Devon Daniels
  3. Crescent City by Sarah J. Maas
  4. Love by Night by S.K. Williams
  5. 56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard
  6. Poems about Love and Other Dangerous Things by Michelle Torez
  7. The Hobbits of Tolkien by David Day

Thank you for reading if you made it this far! Come back next Tuesday for a new blog post!