Books I have no Interest in Reading

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Cover to Cover! Today, I wanted to talk about the books that I have quite literally no interest in reading. Without further ado, let’s get into it!
I saw someone make a video about this on TikTok and thought it was such a cool idea. I personally, haven’t seen many people partake in this challenge, but I feel like I have a decent number of books that I won’t read.
First up, A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. I know a lot of people like this book and it was trending on TikTok, but I have absolutely no desire to read this. I don’t like making myself feel sad and apparently this book is sad as hell. It’s also huge which isn’t a problem, but a huge book with subject matter I most likely won’t find interesting is a no for me.
Next, The Unhoneymooers by Christina Lauren. Normally, this is a book I would pick up, but all my friends who have read it, didn’t like it. That’s honestly what pushed me away from this. I trust their opinions, and we more or less read the same things. I do own a different book by this author that I’m still going to read!
Also, Normal People by Sally Rooney. I feel like such a hater, but some books are just too hyped up sometimes and I feel like this is one of them. Again, this isn't something that I would normally find myself reading. I see a lot of mixed reviews about her books online as well which makes me hesitant. And those reviews are from people I actually trust not just a just a bunch of random Tiktokers.
Some honorable mentions include, the Harry Potter series and the Twilight saga. This is strictly because I have seen all the movies, and at this point, I don't think I could sit down and read all of those books.
Alright folks, that is all I have for this week! Come back next Wednesday for another blog post! As always thank you for reading:)