2021 Book Superlatives

Hello everyone! I saw someone do this on TikTok, and I thought it was so cute. So, I decided that I would make up superlatives for the books I read this year. While I have already talked about some of the best and worst of this year, I wanted to broaden those statements. In my previous post I defined best as 4 or 5 stars and the worst as a 2 or below. Personally, I don’t rate a lot of books below a 2 just because I find it really hard to force myself to finish a book I hate. I tend to DNF it even though it hurts my soul to do that. But I don’t want to waste precious reading time with a book that sucks when I could be reading a potential 5 star. Does that even make any sense? Oh well, let’s just get into it!
*The book that took the longest to finish: Girl A by Abigail Dean
*The most romantic book: The People we Meet on vacation By Emily Henry
*Most anticipated book of 2021: A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas
*Best poetry book: Break your Glass Slippers by Amanda Lovelace
*The most surprising book: Ariadne by Jennifer Saint
*Best thriller: Rock Scissors Paper by Alice Feeney
*Best world building book: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
*Most disappointing book: Girl A by Abigail Dean
*Longest book: Crescent City by Sarah J. Maas
*Best main characters: A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas
*Best page turner: Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier
*The book I read the fastest: Meet you in the Middle by Devon Daniels
*A book I wouldn’t recommend: 56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard
*A new book I would recommend: Meet you in the Middle by Devon Daniels
*Best book of 2021: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
*Worst book of 2021: Girl A by Abigail Dean
Alright, folks! I just wanted to take some time to highlight some of the books I read this year. I did write blog posts about all these books separately in case you are interested in any. Thank you for reading! And see you next year!